Supporting students. Enriching our community.
The Sauk Rapids-Rice Education Foundation provides opportunities for all students to excel by funding educational opportunities, special projects and engaging ideas that go beyond the district’s operating budget. The foundation enriches the communities of Sauk Rapids and Rice by uniting the generosity of those who care deeply about enhancing education with the students, staff and the Sauk Rapids-Rice Public Schools.
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Sara Tabatt - Pleasantview Elementary: $560 grant; Test of Composure and Precision Initiative - 2023
Laura Klatt - Mississippi Heights Elementary: $985 grant; Sensory Room Initiative - 2023
Shantal Spoden - Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School: $1,000 grant; Essential Living Skills Sensory Room Initiative - 2023
Alisa Hurst - Hillside Early Childhood: $1,000 grant; Let’s Play with Communication Initiative - 2023
Cara Francisco - Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School: $650 grant; Yearbook Cameras Initiative - 2023
Carrie Lutterman - Hillside Early Childhood: $1,000 grant; Physical Education/Gross Motor Skills Initiative - 2023
Carol Mead - Mississippi Heights Elementary: $784.17 grant; Kindergarten Sensory Exploration Initiative - 2023
Erin Thompson - Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School: $1,000 grant; Middle School Media Refresh Initiative - 2023
Jill Zimpel - Pleasantview Elementary: $1,000 grant; Recess Activities for Students with a Disability, Limitations, and/or Restrictions Initiative - 2023
Greg Jamison - Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School: $1,000 grant; Real World Math Gardening - 2023
Jenny Bushman - Rice Elementary: $650 grant Ready Bodies Learning Minds Through Movement Initiative - 2023
Alison Binsfeld was presented with a grant for 6th Grade Earth Science. This grant will allow the sixth-grade science department at the Middle School to purchase updated visual aids to use while teaching their earth science curriculum. This includes solar system models, weather maps and models, as well as plate tectonic models.
Jean Suska was presented with a grant for her Reading Haven. This will allow the Special Education Department at the High School to convert a space in a classroom to a Reading Haven, giving students a comfortable space to study, read, listen to music, meditate or relax with a game or puzzle.
Hannah Paggen was presented with a grant for Literacy Enhancement. This will allow the Early Childhood program, at both Hillside and Rice, to purchase additional materials to provide hands on learning. Helping students develop stronger phonemic awareness skills when they attend Kindergarten.
Emilee Mcgarthwaite was presented with a grant for Fine Motors Bins. This will allow the first-grade team at Mississippi Heights the ability to purchase different bins that will rotate between classrooms, and help students develop skills including zipping, tying, writing, and self-care.
Teresa Heck was presented with a grant for Math Fact Folder Game Libraries. This helps students in third grade at Mississippi Heights develop math skill in a more routine paper, and pencil method, while interacting with their peers and building memorable relationships in the process.
Heath Wilson was presented with a grant for an Indoor Hydroponics Farmstand. This will allow Mr. Wilson to purchase the hydroponics unit and glow rings for year round growing. Giving the students the experience of planting and harvesting their own fruits, vegetables, and herbs, without soil!
Jill Backchand was presented with a grant for Fine Motor Activities. This grant will allow the first-grade team at Pleasantview Elementary to purchase kits to enhance students fine motor skills. The goal is to use these kits as daily activities to help develop hand strength to improve activities including writing, zipping, and tying.
Zach Brown was presented with a grant for Molecular Model Kits. With this grant the Science department at the High School will be able to purchase Snatoms kits to help students through hands on activities, allowing them to better understand what is actually happening between atoms at a molecular level. These kits will be primarily used during chemistry instruction but, also can be applied in biology and earth science as instruction as well.